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Vocational Resources

We hope you will appreciate these additional resources, starting first with a Prayer for Vocations by the Discalced Carmelite Friars of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Province.

Prayer for New Carmelite Vocations

Lord Jesus Christ, You promised that if we agree to pray for anything in Your Name, You will do it for us. Through the powerful intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, we ask You for the grace of good vocations. Give us young men and women of faith who are zealous to become Your strong friends, and to faithfully serve as friars and nuns in the Discalced Carmelite Order. As You have in the past, awaken hearts to fervently desire You, and to carry on the charism of Carmel - to glorify the Triune God in the company of Your Mother, and to be love at the Heart of Your Church. Amen.


—Learn more about contemplative life at Cloistered Life.


—View our Jacksonville Carmel profile at the Institute on Religious Life.

—If you have debt which is blocking you from pursuing your vocation, we encourage you to view this website.


After browsing our website, if you feel an attraction to our Carmel in Jacksonville, we invite you to contact us using the button below to begin a possible discernment with our Community, or to request more information, which we can send to you by regular mail.

Vocation Inquiry

After praying and reading through our website, if you are strongly drawn to the Carmelite charism and to our monastery in particular, you are most welcome to contact us by mail.

Please write to:

Rev. Mother Prioress

Discalced Carmelite Nuns

8002 James Island Trail

Jacksonville, FL 32256

Kindly include your age, telephone number and email address.

Be assured of our prayers!

Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart

"My God, how well You know my great need of Your Help.  I trust in Your infinite mercy, and I shall always do so, regardless of the spiritual state in which I might find myself.  Always and everywhere I shall endeavor to recognize Your Will in all things, even though my eyes see only contradiction and uncertainty.  I know that I cannot depend upon myself, and so I shall trust completely in You.  “Nothing will separate me from the love of Christ”, for in You, O Lord, I have hoped; I will never be confounded."

- Saint Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.jpg

“Those who join the Carmelite Order are not lost to their near and dear ones, but have been won for them, because it is our vocation to intercede to God for everyone.”

- Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

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